
Speed talks guidelines for the 48th FEBS Congress

Don’t forget to submit your slides by 10 June 2024.

We’re looking forward to the contribution of Speed Talk sessions to #FEBS2024. If you have been selected to give a speed talk, please check carefully the guidelines for preparation of your 3-minute talk at https://2024.febscongress.org/talk-guidelines.

  • Send your slides by 10 June 2024 to febs2024.speakers@aimgroup.eu       
  • Don’t forget to also prepare your poster for the event, where you will show your findings in more detail and answer questions (find poster guidelines here)
Prizes for two outstanding speed talks will be awarded by FEBS Open Bio – good luck!

FEBS has twin commitments to high-quality publications and the promotion of molecular biosciences. As a charitable academic organization,
FEBS uses income from the journals to fund its diverse activities, including support for the FEBS Congress.